
The 3 “No’s” Of No-Budget Cinematography

On projects of all scale, lighting dictates not only the quality of your final image, but also the stylistic effect.

The very same core principles of lighting will apply, regardless of your production budget. However, the execution of those principles is completely different on a no-budget level.

As an obvious example, on many no-budget productions, it’s common for the director to also serve as the cinematographer. Or if there is a dedicated DP, it’s unlikely for them to have a full camera department at their disposal…

Many micro-budget films fail to achieve strong because they use the wrong production configuration. They treat their film like a big budget production, without a tenth of the resources.

This only ever results in lackluster visuals that look like they tried so hard to hit a target, but clearly missed the mark. Not to mention, angry crews who feel over-worked and under-compensated.

So with all that said, here are 3 of the most important pitfalls to avoid when it comes to no-budget cinematography:

1. Don’t use more than one light

In my opinion, there is no better light source than the sun. And it’s free, so we should all be using it to our advantage – whether outside using bounce boards, or inside using window light.

So long as your framing and blocking is correct, a naturally lit shot will hold up quality-wise against any shot from a higher budget production.

That said, not everyone wants to light using only natural or available light. And certain genres require a more stylistic approach. 

One rule of thumb to consider, is limiting yourself to a single artificial light source. This might be a soft box, china ball, LED panel, or something similar.

By keeping lighting to a bare minimum, you can avoid the complexities of a traditional 3 point lighting setup. Which always takes longer and yields more standard / dull results.

A single source naturally creates more contrast and more interesting visuals than your average 3 point set up too. And depending on the placement, color temperature, and other factors, can still be stylized quite dramatically.

Would some scenes look even better if you used more lighting? Maybe.

But the movie as a whole probably won’t. Half the battle with no-budget cinematography is finding the right balance between quality and speed.

2. Don’t neglect the importance of framing and blocking

This point is especially critical if you are using natural light.

Imagine shooting a scene outside at sunset of an actor looking into the lens. If your camera is facing west (into the sun, backlit) you’ll have a totally different shot than if it were facing east.

Or if you turned your actor on a 45 degree angle, you would again have a completely different light on their face. Not to mention, the background (and relative contrast that it offers) would be vastly different too.

Actor placement (aka blocking) is one of the secrets to great no-budget cinematography. The other is framing, which goes hand in hand.

A beautifully framed image is the least expensive way to add production value to your project. It costs nothing other than an extra minute or two to be purposeful about your choices.

Using unconventional focal lengths, shooting really tight (or wide), adding negative space, or using any other similar creative tool can go such a long way.

Most big budget productions stick to the basics when it comes to framing style and blocking. No-budget filmmaking affords you the ability to break out of that box and command the viewer’s attention as a result.

3. Don’t use gear you don’t need

Amateur filmmakers love to use as much gear as possible, especially if that gear is the highest end / most current available.

But experienced micro-budget filmmakers know that gear can also be a hinderance. Biting off more than you can chew can slow you down at best, or completely de-rail a production at worst.

This principle applies across the board. Whether it’s a camera that is too big for you to operate yourself, or a recording format that you don’t have the means to back up on set.

Every choice in the gear department needs to be two-fold:

  1. To serve your story / visual palette
  2. To serve your production logistics

One added benefit of minimizing your gear list, is that the limitation usually imposes an original visual aesthetic on your work.

For instance, on one of my recent feature films, everything was shot on a 50mm lens. This started as a practical choice to avoid lens swaps, but became a critical part of the film’s visual grammar. 

Aim to think about all gear choices and technical decisions through this prism and you’ll be better off for it.

These topics are explored in far more depth in the No-Budget Cinematography Blueprint, which you can check out here.

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About Author

Noam Kroll is an award-winning Los Angeles based filmmaker, and the founder of the boutique production house, Creative Rebellion. His work can be seen at international film festivals, on network television, and in various publications across the globe. Follow Noam on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for more content like this!

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